Odd Socks Princess Odd Socks Princess

The Truth About Boxing Day

Apparently, on the second day of Christmas, in Great Britain lords and ladies historically gifted servants and tradespeople boxes of Christmas goodies. Apparently. But I believe this is a hoax; a world-wide cover-up for the real truth. It is in fact a global holiday recognising the enormously enjoyable sport of boxing.

I haven’t done any boxing for a few years, and I miss it. So today in homage I give you my sterling silver boxing glove charms that swing right! and hook left! from my charm necklace. Aren’t they pretty?

I think I feel a New Year’s resolution coming up(per cutting) …

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Odd Socks Princess Odd Socks Princess

Candy Cane Christmas

Yes, this is the actual jewellery I wore today at Christmas lunch with my family. Isn’t it wonderful? More Christmassy jewellery you could not wish for.

I bought these both from thrift stores: the necklace came from a Vinnies op shop in Geelong when I was visiting my cousin in October; she didn’t like it because it was too Christmassy and reminded her of candy canes – I retorted that was exactly why I loved it. I also love red and white together in general.

The candy cane earrings I found a week or two after that, in an Animal Aid op shop – rather amusingly after a trip to the dentist. The necklace is vintage I think, though I’m not sure on the age of either it, or the earrings. They were both greatly admired today anyway.

I hope you all have a wonderful day with your loved ones. I wish you all peace and joy this Christmas season.

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Odd Socks Princess Odd Socks Princess

In the Nick of Time!

Eeek! Princess Tatiana’s back – just in the nick of time (somewhat like the revered Saint Nick) – with Christmas Eve greetings! I have been taking an inadvertently long hiatus from SNAP, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been taking a holiday from collecting stories to tell, and snapping up vintage bargains along the way.

I’ve decided I shall celebrate this season with a selection of vintage, new and hand-made earrings – because we’re looking forward to ringing in the New Year after all, and because I haven’t had enough time to take some proper photos.

I wore this pair of diamanté (or rhinestone, if you prefer) earrings today to do my marketing for the dishes I’ll be taking to my family’s Christmas lunch tomorrow. They swing jauntily and put one in a festive spirit.

I hope you have all been enjoying your Christmas Eve, and that you have been very, very good this year, for there’s less than an hour to go before Saint Nick starts making his deliveries. But don’t forget, if you do get a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking, it’s almost like getting a diamond … if you add a few thousand years plus a bit of heat and compression and whatnot!

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Odd Socks Princess Odd Socks Princess

Spring has Sprung!

This is it! Spring is here, at last. How glorious! Just the thought makes me want to leap into the air and click my heels together, to break into song. The days are getting longer, blossom is blooming everywhere, the sun is shining, and the breezes are balmy.

It’s time to throw off the woollens and embrace vintage printed pleats instead. I don’t demand they be florals by any means, although this pinky-mauve 1940s skirt is printed with a black floral pattern. The off-pink and black are a less sweet alternative to traditional pink pastels, especially when worn with a sassy black backless halter and high suede peeptoes.

I actually have an array of 70s printed dresses that I am looking forward to wearing in this inbetween weather – most of them are polyester so they won’t do for really warm weather. Many of the prints are geometric rather than floral, but there is something so cheerful about graphic prints they suit this uplifting time of year.

Of course, Melbourne is traditionally quite rainy in the springtime too, so one must carry a brolly under the arm and be prepared for four seasons in one day – that’s why we love this town.

Photo: March 2014

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Odd Socks Princess Odd Socks Princess

Hat Roll-Call

This past year has been a very good year for finding vintage hats in op shops at bargain basement prices. And, I decided, Easter is an eggcellent time to parade some before you (sorry, that was irresistible). These summer hats coincidentally all feature bows.

First up is what I suspect is a 1930s navy and natural straw hat found on one lunchtime spree at a store near my workplace. It does not have a label on the inside, but I am estimating it to be from this era because of the shape and materials that are very similar to another straw 1930s hat I own. The lining of the brim was torn from the crown – easily fixed – and otherwise it is in very good condition and was a steal at $10. It looks very elegant on, and the other great thing is that it fits very tightly, so even a high wind was unable to whip it off my head.

The second hat is possibly from the 1980s. It is a huge cartwheel of natural store, and tied with a black jacquard taffeta bow at the back. The fabric has the distinctive moiré pattern of that formal fabric that was so popular in the Eighties. This does threaten to take flight on a windy day (a hat elastic fixed that), but it offers great shelter from our strong southern sun. A $4 bargain from a little charity store.

Also from the 1980s is this black straw closely-fitting visored hat that I found at the same time as the Prada kepi, in a huge vintage warehouse in Geelong. The deep crown features a black grosgrain ribbon that forms a bow at the back. The visor provides great shelter, though not so at the back clearly. Perhaps I should be wearing it 80s style, with a giant white shirt with the collar turned up to protect my neck? This was another cheapie that cost only $4 (reduced from $8).

I do hope you are all having a very Good Friday!

Photos: March 2017

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